Change AI diffuculty in Career mode

  • Thread starter kane2_be
I agree with this suggestion. Here is my rationale.

If I choose a car with a PP equal to the limit, I find it rather too easy to win. I do have the option of reducing the PP on my car to make it harder, but that reduction in PP seems rather arbitrary. Do I reduce it XXX points, or do I reduce it YYY percent?

I would much prefer to have a fairly standardized yardstick to challenge myself with, and that would be to choose my competition from a list of AI skill levels from really low to really high.

I want it to be a challenge and I want some predictability in how challenging it will be.
Seriously. THIS. This bothered me more than almost anything else in the game. The AI acts like it's driving a car for the first time. WAY too easy to win with cars 50 pp (70?) under the pp limit for races, and less than the competing cars. It needs 'hard' and 'brutal' modes, for sure.
Essential feature, GT's offline mode is too much catered for beginners leaving the hardcore GT racers without a real challenge.

It feels like PD have made the latest instalment cater even more for beginners. The game feels like a driving simulator more than a racing sim sometimes.
I have no idea why this is not already implemented. It should definitely be an option. It is way too easy the way it is now.
If I remember correctly, it WAS an option in GT4. It even rewarded you with more money for racing against more difficult opponents.
Well I completely agree on the difficulty setting but what should be done is changing the AI difficulty not the difficulty in cars you have to race. If hard mode is racing a LMP or race car then heck no I dont want that. I want hard mode to be for the AI despite the car it has to race in. If I want to race only Fiat 500s then hard mode should still be in Fiat 500s and not chang the competition to Audi Le Mans cars or mustangs or ferraris.
Well yeah, Ai difficulty would make all the sense in the world. I guess we all have to realize that Kaz/PD make no freaking sense at all most of the time..

They have difficulty for AI slider (aggression) in arcade, so why not Career!? Duh!
It's like WTFPD!?

Have you ever watched the replay of the ai in any of the easy career mode races before S-class?

It's painful to watch the stupid AI wait for you for up to 7 second a lap if you are behind. Slowing down to a crawl around corners.. coasting, half throttle.. etc.. makes you want to throw the steering wheel/ pad at the PS3 and throw the whole thing in the dump at times.

Then even in class where the race leading ai make pit stops.. sometimes they'll box at lap 6/8, get tires and fuel, but not enough to finish race, then they pit on lap 7/8, and let you win that way! That happened to me yesterday 3 time in the 20 mile Willow Springs S-class race. It's incomprehensible..

Freaking Kaz.. what a brilliant genius. He makes ai so easy that you don't even want to play the game or buy the next release. What a visionary! :-/

Oh well... nothing you can do about it.. it's "Kaz's vision" after all.. and he wants to create a painfully easy career mode that a complete rookie with no gaming experience at all can win without one ounce of effort.

Ok, bad/stupid/slow ai rant over.
Usually in GT games, you select the difficulty indirectly through your choice of car. If you want it more difficult, you enter with a slower car (less PP). The performance difference bonus (assuming it's actually there) discourages you from entering with cars that would make the race too easy for you. How much less PP should you enter with? Unfortunately, you'll have to experiment to find what's right for you.

The problem is that players' skill levels vary a LOT. Some may find the game challenging enough with a car at the PP limit. Others may need to drive a GT300 car against GT500 AI cars to feel challenged. In my opinion, anyone who needs to drive a car -that- underpowered to feel challenged needs faster opponent drivers. Not faster opponent cars, but the same cars, driven faster, by "better" AI drivers. I think Halo lets you select the difficulty (Easy/Normal/Heroic/Legendary ?) anytime you can get to the main menu. I think a similar system would work well in Gran Turismo.

When it comes to pit strategies... Aside from the stupidity of pitting on consecutive laps or pitting on the second to last lap, it's actually quite complicated. @.@
Ex. If you continue driving for another 3 laps, you'll be able to pit one less time, but your lap times will suffer; is it worth it?
Ex. The race is 100 laps long, and you have to pit every 11th lap to avoid running out of fuel (and your tyres are fine after 11 laps), but if you do this, you'll end up pitting on lap 99, which is kinda stupid. Do you pit every 10th lap (9 pits), or do you pit on laps 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88 and 94 (also 9 pits), doing the last 2 stints with less fuel and softer tyres?
Maybe the developers could just hard-code an opponent's pit strategy based on experimental results. i.e. They observe that it's most efficient for a particular car in a particular race to pit twice, on laps 10 and 20 out of 30, instead of pitting once on lap 15.

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