Deciding on AI LevelF1 2018 

  • Thread starter Oshawa-Joe
I started off wanting to challenge myself and started my career on the highest AI level, Legenday I think it was. Decided to start off with Haas. When I got to the tire management session I was over 3 seconds off the pace the team expected.

Currently on the PS4 the only way to change the AI level is to create a new driver. Apparently patch 1.06 will allow changes between sessions, avoiding the need to start a new career.

After a couple of tests and new driver profiles I settled on level 70 which I believe is called Hard. Fast forward to my first qualifier. My team goal was to qualify 10th and I was able to get 7th.

Hopefully this will help people understand how the AI level will impact their achieving team expectations and enjoy the game instead of getting frustrated and shelving it.
Cool. Was my only option once I started my first practice and realized my chosen AI setting was too ambitious. Key take away is to adjust AI to a point that allows you to meet team objectives during the practice sessions. Then you should be dialed in for a more enjoyable F1 experience.
I’m Doing all the practice sessions on 0%, to get all the resource points, then all the rest on 80% for qualifying and the race.
If you race at 80% difficulty, you should be able to easily get all the resource points at around 70-80 anyway. :P

Yeah I know, with the pad I can do it, but this time with the wheel I have decided with no assists.
It does help that open wheel is my favourite type of racing. I tried the MotoGP game and I was all the way down at 50 ai lol.
I find that around 70 is ideal for me - I'm no alien.

I did the Sochi race 100% this morning at that level and it worked out really well. I qualy'd 14th with McClaren, but ended up with a 5 place grid penalty, apparently for exceeding track limits in qualifying (there was a collision as well so that probably didn't help). Clawed my way up to 12th, and had a pretty lonely race thereafter, other than getting blue flags for the likes of HAM, BOT, VET, RAI, VER, and RIC.

Funnily enough at level 70 the race pace was pretty much bang on with the race pace for the real Sochi today, with more or less matching lap times.

For me the level setting in F1 2018 is about giving you good realistic racing at your ability level. You won't enjoy, or get the benefit from the game if you ramp it up to 110, unless you're that alien.
I would be demoted to test driver if I used 103.

I'd be demoted to f1 2017 if I was using a pad on 103!

I find that around 70 is ideal for me - I'm no alien.

I did the Sochi race 100% this morning at that level and it worked out really well. I qualy'd 14th with McClaren, but ended up with a 5 place grid penalty, apparently for exceeding track limits in qualifying (there was a collision as well so that probably didn't help). Clawed my way up to 12th, and had a pretty lonely race thereafter, other than getting blue flags for the likes of HAM, BOT, VET, RAI, VER, and RIC.

Funnily enough at level 70 the race pace was pretty much bang on with the race pace for the real Sochi today, with more or less matching lap times.

For me the level setting in F1 2018 is about giving you good realistic racing at your ability level. You won't enjoy, or get the benefit from the game if you ramp it up to 110, unless you're that alien.

The only advice I could give if you want to become an alien.

1. Setup means everything. You will have a balance that suits your style and the only way to find it and a good setup is run each track many times with different setups. My style is very much based on the front turning in as I want it. So an understeering car wrecks me more than anything. Hence why I am only really good at open wheel.
2. Look for landmarks to judge braking points not just when it feels right. Those marker boards exist for a reason. You do need to have good reactions to get your braking on the 100 meter board every lap though, especially when you do 100% races like me.
3. Focus. I always have to put my fan on when racing as it makes me sweat.
4. Make sure you feel 100%. If you feel tired it isn't going to help. The real drivers spend hours with their trainers and physios before a race.
5. Use a mic if possible as you can speak the radio requests and its easier.
6. Be cautious and take the inside line at the start if possible. (I am one who doesnt always pracitce what I preach there haha)
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The only advice I could give if you want to become an alien.

1. Setup means everything. You will have a balance that suits your style and the only way to find it and a good setup is run each track many times with different setups. My style is very much based on the front turning in as I want it. So an understeering car wrecks me more than anything. Hence why I am only really good at open wheel.
2. Look for landmarks to judge braking points not just when it feels right. Those marker boards exist for a reason. You do need to have good reactions to get your braking on the 100 meter board every lap though, especially when you do 100% races like me.
3. Focus. I always have to put my fan on when racing as it makes me sweat.
4. Make sure you feel 100%. If you feel tired it isn't going to help. The real drivers spend hours with their trainers and physios before a race.
5. Use a mic if possible as you can speak the radio requests and its easier.
6. Be cautious and take the inside line at the start if possible. (I am one who doesnt always pracitce what I preach there haha)

I am too old (eyesight - I use corner race line to help see the corners coming; especially on unfamiliar circuits) and too busy to even want to be an 'alien' game/sim racer :). I stick to AI being 58-60 so I can win occasionally ;)
I judge my skill level vs. My team mate. When I was ending 20 seconds ahead of my team mate, I upped the skill level by 5. Then 5 again. And now I’m going by 1 point per race until I’m closer to my team mate. Your team mate is the same car. You should he close to them.
80 for me starting out in career seems about right for me,with the lowest ranked car. (Williams). I then progress up to 90 as the career goes on.
Illegal manoeuvre. Cede that position or we'll receive a penalty.

(Alison Sudol - Illegal overtake on Bryce Dallas Howard - Hand positions back)
