Does ENGINE-Sound change... cause of UPGRADES?

  • Thread starter CosmoNoMAD
Dear People!
Forgive me if i'm in the wrong Section, please!!!
AND: cause i'm german... my Version of GT5 is it too... so i'm missing some english Words for Parts!

I've searched about 30 Minutes... but couldnt get any Answer to THIS:
"Does ENGINE-Sound change cause of UPGRADES???"

Specially... here my Prob in detail.
-Bought the Viper SRT10 ACR '08
-it sounded "WOW!"... growling, deep Sound!
  • did all 3 Motor-Upgrades
  • did Race-Filter-Upgrade
  • did Titan Race-Exaust-Upgrade & Catalysator-Sport
  • did the Full customisable Gearing-Upgrade & everything for transmission

I did a Testdrive, and... the "Beast" suddenly sounded like... my vacuum cleaner!!!! 😢
Again... forgive my bad english. But the PROs here surely understand... whats going on here, hm?!
I for myself guess... it might be...
  • the catalysator?
  • the 3 Motor-Upgrades?
IF it was the Motorupgrades... bad luck; they are not removable.

Anyway: can Y O U guess (or know) WHAT did this Sound-change?
Please... i own GT5 (and a used PS3) just 2 Days. So i would be very happy if Y O U could help me with this.
Many, MANY THX...
Exhaust upgrades change it, at least till GT4. For GT5/GT6 I'm pretty sure is still so
Hey ya all!
Scince my next question is related to SOUND too... i "save space" by NOT opening another thread... for a relative simple, and (may be?) stupid Question, to all GT5-Junkies.

Even if i drive my whole life... SOME things in GT don't explain themself in a second.
And... google is allways SO smart... like the question is!
I did NOT found any answer in HERE... and in the whole web.

I experienced a real WEIRD Sound today; happened with my Corvette ZR1 (C6) RM '09 [fully Race-modified & tuned], and my beloved Tommykaira ZZII 00 (foremost ooold memories of victory).
Imagine a TURNTABLE with a Vinyl-Record (be patient... no joke) playing.
And now suddenly you press your finger onto the vinyl... as if you wanted to scratch. But... JUST STOP the turning, not scratching!
You guess THAT Sound, hm... 📉...kinda "aural Divebomb" for a second... until the sound stops completly.
Now you ALSO can imagine... that's hard to ask this google... in one line.
THIS Sound... and a heavy "Speeddropdown"... happens.
WHAT might cause THIS to happen?
I never had that with all GT-Parts before. First time now.

NOPE; i did NOT accidently touched the brake.
To make a long story short; IF you imagine what i mean... do YOU know what this is???
In the end... its not the sound that angers me; its loosing POSITION!

Thanks so much... from germany,