How can I rip the MIDI sequence files?

  • Thread starter Spirra
South Korea
South Korea
So, I unpacked the GT4.VOL file and there was a "music" folder which contained 3 files (bgmmid.inf, bgmmid.ins and bgmmid.sqt). bgmmid.inf is a list of midi file names, so my guess is that those midi files are encrypted into bgmmid.sqt. Is there any way to decrypt this?
Same here, but unfortunately I haven't been able to find any sort of program or any tutorials whatsoever :-(

Btw what program did u use to open the inf file? Cuz I tried Notepad/Notepad++ and it only displays gibberish.
Same here, but unfortunately I haven't been able to find any sort of program or any tutorials whatsoever :-(

Btw what program did u use to open the inf file? Cuz I tried Notepad/Notepad++ and it only displays gibberish.
Scroll a bit to the side and you'll find some file names. At least that was the case for me.
I doubt there are any but any updates so far? I've even tried using the GTSeq2Mid file on Github but that only recognises .seq files from GT1, 2 and 3, and just found out the seq file in GT4.VOL is the same as the one in GT3 (because of GT4 Prologue using GT3 music)
I doubt there are any but any updates so far? I've even tried using the GTSeq2Mid file on Github but that only recognises .seq files from GT1, 2 and 3, and just found out the seq file in GT4.VOL is the same as the one in GT3 (because of GT4 Prologue using GT3 music)
I used this tool to extract GT4.VOL
Doing so unpacked the bgmmid files further and appears to have split them into the filenames Spirra mentioned.
Attached is a screenshot of what it was able to unpack.

Opening the .sqt files in a hex editor shows the start of the file has the text: `Ssqt.......Sssq`
This may mean that the files are in the SSSQ format, but using a tool called sssq2mid (found here) on those files does not output a valid midi file (in fact the tool doesn't interpret the data at all by the looks of things)

I am very interested in any future developments on interpreting the midi data. It's a great soundtrack and very complex sounding for midi, especially for the time.
Ins files have the instruments, the other ones have the "partition". The format hasn't been cracked as far as i'm aware on the RE side of things, though i know that someone was able to somewhat convert GT2 midi tracks to actual midi. It's a slightly different (probably simpler) format however: .seq
Ins files have the instruments, the other ones have the "partition". The format hasn't been cracked as far as i'm aware on the RE side of things, though i know that someone was able to somewhat convert GT2 midi tracks to actual midi. It's a slightly different (probably simpler) format however: .seq
So far, GT4's instruments are easy to rip using PSound. The main issue is playback or sequence files.

The fact that jambl3r managed to get access into the files by itself it's been a great breakthough, back then I remember that most rippers ended up getting into a dead end when trying to find the sequence files (the game seems to put them into some sort of huge playlist as far as I remember?)

I hope someday in the future somebody is able to at least transform those SQT files into MIDI without all the internal PS2 effects.
Ins files have the instruments, the other ones have the "partition". The format hasn't been cracked as far as i'm aware on the RE side of things, though i know that someone was able to somewhat convert GT2 midi tracks to actual midi. It's a slightly different (probably simpler) format however: .seq
The seq/vab format is PS1. The PS2 uses formats called .hd and .sq.
VGMToolbox can extract these generic files from certain games that use them.

For those interested:
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