I have won 1st, and 2nd places in F1 butnot the last two yet.

  • Thread starter Phatboy
I need some good settings so my F/090S tires will last longer. I think it has something to do with the spring strength/rate. The toe is set at 0.0 for both sides. I'm at the 9th and 10 th races. The last one is real hard. There is 78 laps too that one, it will take a while before I win that one. As for the 9th race, my best place was 2nd so I did not save the game after that race because i didn't know how I would do in the last one. I would've had only 66 points. I need to get first place in the 9th race. I have saved and modified the settings so much that i don't know what else to do. After my last race on the Japan Tokyo race, I went and quit the rcae without saving the game so I could reload it in the morning and went too the Arcade mode too do a free race on the Tokyo circut and got a low time of 1:15 seconds. I think that will do it but I'll have to see how fast it will go first, in the race.:indiff: However, I can only do 5 or 6 laps before my tires get red in the front. It seems like when I hit the side of the track the tires ware out faster. Last of all, to set the gear ratios, right, you need too keep setting the trans gears so that the 6th gear will wind out all the way on the longest part of the track. In fact, the final gear should be set at 5.499. Then you can experiment with the other gears as you qualify and go back too settings. :)
The Formula cars in GT3 cannot change tires. I suggest you read a bit more before posting again. You've attempted this morning to post incorrect information twice.

LOL, man, you guys are harsh! I mean anyone who plays GT3 should know you can't change tires on F1 cars, but you shouldn't be so mean. You never know, he could be a little on the "slow" side. That would be my guess.
LOL, man, you guys are harsh! I mean anyone who plays GT3 should know you can't change tires on F1 cars, but you shouldn't be so mean. You never know, he could be a little on the "slow" side. That would be my guess.

You'll notice the last person who posted in this thread did so back in February...in other words this is a bit of a dead topic..
you replied to what I wrote on the "dead topic" though didn't you. If it's so old why are you in here reading it?

Because you dragged it up! So when i get on this page, all i see is that there's a new post on this topic...and i like to read all the new posts.

What you have done, on the other hand, is read a post that's old (Duke last said something here on February 25, 2007), and replied to it as if they were still talking. 💡 No harm in this....i'm just pointing something out to you. I see alot of new folks do this for some reason.
It's just cause us "new folks" just aren't as used to the site as you are. I understand and try not to do it again...lol.

Oh i don't really care. It's not a big deal. :) I've brought up old threads occasionally myself, if the topic was an open one and relevant to what other folks might be interested in...but if it's somebody who asked a question 3 years ago, it seems kinda silly to post an answer, especially when the people who wrote & posted in that thread most likely are long gone by now... :indiff: