POLL - Un-Edited Competition - Week 122 - W. Jus1029

Who will win?

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  • Poll closed .
Upside-down in the final corner

Week 122​

Chosen by week 119 winner rallymorten

"Mighty Wings"

Cars: Any except the Escudo

Tracks: Any

Photo Travel: Not in this life

Poll Size: --

Explanation: In the words of week 119 winner, rallymorten: "Came across a piece of that song yesterday.. It's a BTE, I tell you. Have a listen and then get on GT4 to capture what it made you think of.. WAIT, WAIT, before you all go Escudo crazy, it's banned :sly:"

Hosts comments: Mighty Wings.. If I had the money I'd bet that would make most go take shots of the Escudo. But this is supposed to be a challenge, right? Remember, the term "mighty wings" can be interpreted in several ways.. Now get at it!

Entries freeze:

April 14th


  • Allowed photo editing tools: Resize. No other modifications allowed outside GT4 photomode.
  • You may submit one entry. It must be your own work and not previously entered in a competition.
  • You may only change your entry once. When changing it, indicate clearly (please, when doing this, edit your post with your new entry, do not submit a new post with a new entry)
  • Please mark your Final Entry clearly in RED.
  • Your entry may not exceed the poll character limit. (5 characters are enough to name your image). If your entry exceeds it, the link to the full size image, will be removed.
  • We recommend you use a free image hosting service such as or
  • You must post your entry either as a thumbnail, or as a preview linked to the full image - see here for instructions .
  • Previews should be no larger than 400 pixels along the longest side - be it vertical or horizontal - and should not have more or less effects than the full size image.
  • Photos must be taken from a normal version of GT4, do not use any cheats or Game Shark codes to modify the game content.
  • Please do not ask other members to choose your entry. Have confidence in your own skills and go with your favorite shot.

Happy Photomoding everyone! :cheers:
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Well, like I said mighty wings doesn't have to be of the physical kind.. :)
Well this week is all a question of how you'll want to interpret what mighty wings are, but remember the Escudo is illegal :)
Just a little help, I can interpret "mighty wings" in 3 ways:

1: actual huge wings
2: flying/jumping anyone?
3: a feeling that so to speak gives you wings, like winning a race or having a nice battle

Hope this helps :)
Just a little help, I can interpret "mighty wings" in 3 ways:

1: actual huge wings
2: flying/jumping anyone?
3: a feeling that so to speak gives you wings, like winning a race or having a nice battle

Hope this helps :)
if i'm allowed to say: the Bentley Speed 8 (Logo has wings, Car is almighty)
Nismo: Gives You Wings

Click for Lightbox!
Entry may change.
Well that one's pretty much all of the three ways to interpret the term 👍
:lol:👍 I never noticed the "gives you wings" you've said before.
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Unless otherwise stated consider it "by any means necessary" :)

B.A.J. has until 5am gmt to send me the next theme, or odnomre will be given the chance, so you may slowly begin thinking 👍
A little more than 48 hours 'till this closes and so far it's an insta-win for Jus :nervous:
Hmmm, do I vote or no? Kinda got no choice in terms of voting really... :lol:

EDIT: Just for sportsmanship, I'll vote :)
.. so you're all leaving me in the situation that Judge's Choice decides it all? :scared: This needs some serious consideration..

I'm gonna start the Tournament next month with a few weeks of theme suggestions where you can drop in your ideas and your signups and everything will be done by draw from a hat (or my computer bag, we'll figure out :lol: )
Pretty torn up on this.

On one hand I like the sense of speed Justin's picture shows in a different way than Petrol's, yet as I said these are two different interpretations of the theme. Now that's what I call interesting :)

I think I'm going with Justins, for the following reasons:

1: It feels "alive" in a strange way, can't explain it. Probably the blur.
2: I like the composition of the picture, again it's in such an unexplainable way.
3: I just can't stop thinking he nailed all three "hints" :lol:

No hard feelings P my friend, but I think the overall package in Justin's picture just has a bit more, erhm, potential :)
Pretty torn up on this.

On one hand I like the sense of speed Justin's picture shows in a different way than Petrol's, yet as I said these are two different interpretations of the theme. Now that's what I call interesting :)

I think I'm going with Justins, for the following reasons:

1: It feels "alive" in a strange way, can't explain it. Probably the blur.
2: I like the composition of the picture, again it's in such an unexplainable way.
3: I just can't stop thinking he nailed all three "hints" :lol:

No hard feelings P my friend, but I think the overall package in Justin's picture just has a bit more, erhm, potential :)
None taken, I wasn't particularly happy with the picture myself...
Poll has ended with Justin as winner! Congratulations to him, and a big pat on the back for my old pal Petrolhead, the only challenger in this very different competition week 👍
It's a hollow victory. ;)
Thanks to amkobih, BlameAuntJemima, Fazerfan, Petrolhead1, rallymorten, SVX and tankuroded for the votes! :cheers:
Well it started out close, very close. At one point both photos were hovering at 3 votes each. Congratulations Justin :cheers:

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