Sim Racing PC specs

  • Thread starter Yard_Sale
United States
The failed experiment entitled “California”.
Yeah, I know. This topic probably belongs in the dedicated computer sub forum, but this place seems to get a bit more traffic, so I figured I'd ask my question here.

Every few months I get the itch to step into the fray, and buy a gaming PC for Sim racing, but I inevitably always talk myself out of it. I've got this total-compensator rig with some decent equipment strapped to it, but it all seems to be a waste to have a few bucks invested into my rig, to only be playing..... Gran Turismo.

I'm thinking iRacing would suit most of my needs from a competition standpoint. I'm only interested in VR, and will not ever be racing on a monitor, using triples, or whatever. I don't want to spend money unnecessarily on an overbuilt computer UNLESS it will serve the purpose of future proofing myself for a while - I'm a "buy once, cry once" kinda guy. From the limited research that I've done, it seems like a Quest 3 should fit my VR needs adequately... but I'm not tied to that, as I just don't know enough about any of this stuff. I want to run high graphic settings with high frame rates. Not super interested in building my own. I know its not that hard, but honestly... I'm kind of a wimp when I get out of my comfort zone... and computer-anything, is definitely out of my comfort zone.

Someone please school me up on what all these letters and numbers mean, when I was just perusing 👍🏼
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You could start by looking up system requirements for the sims you want to play in VR. And use those requirements to find a suitable pre built PC. Mind that VR is very graphics intensive and requires a pretty decent build.
I never done VR, but from watching others using VR it takes up more than you think. Also iRacing tends to have updates over time and increases the system requirement needs. What I would do is like the above post said start looking up the minimum system requirements that you want to play. Then based off the highest one I would probably add 10-15% at least on top to compensate for updates to future proof. Me personally I overbuild my PC, but I know I won't be needing to upgrade anything for a long time.

TLDR: Would probably aim for a 4080 graphics card with my build to go VR, but good ram speed and CPU processor are also important.