slipSHOTS: FH1

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm


can't kick this feeling
Staff Emeritus
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You and T12 are making me jealous with your pretty banners. No photos yet, but I can atleast say that I really enjoy the opener.

(Click for full-size)

A quick snap before I leave for work: forgot to pick up my pre-order cars, so might need to head back to BB after my shift to grab them :(
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I dont know, but to me the photo side of things seem to be better, compared to the set you did of this on FM4.

Nice photo Slip, I look forward to more. I will also, hopefully, be joining you later today in posting photos :D

Also, do you think you would be able to answer a question concerning liveries while racing? I was wondering how are the liveries while in actual gameplay? From what I can gather they seem to be less deteriorated while racing, then they did in FM4. Do I just have high hopes, or do they actually look better?

(click for full-size)
Update Info: Well, this is a little late :lol:. These were sitting on my gallery for years, so I've put them up in an effort to tidy that up. There's a few other randoms I might turn into a final set. Forgot how much of a pain the watermark was here, so I've just snipped it right off. Enjoy the trip down memory lane: we've come a long way in only four years...

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