slipSHOTS: FM5

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm


can't kick this feeling
Staff Emeritus

Update History:
06.02.15 - Genesis.
I was wondering when this was going to happen. Fashionably late is an understatement :lol: Nice Shot! The bright color of the 1M add's some good contrast to the rest of the photo, and the perspective makes for a good action shot.

Those clouds look heavenly, too! I wish Fm had toggle-able lights, I feel that the brake lights would have added some nice touch.
The Return

(Click for full-size)

Update Info: I couldn't very well play the game without having my old favourite back. She's running a bit more power than she did in FM4, but as the car that received more use than any other in the old GTP FM4 Car Club, I felt it needed to return. The four designs (including red, black, and white bases) are available in-game. I'll be getting a thread up here eventually once I have more designs to share.

@ImaRobot - I think I skipped right over fashionable :P. Thanks, I too wish we could set lights in Photo Mode, but I can understand why they haven't let us yet...

@Pebb - The wait for the console! After that, I needed two weeks to come to terms with the game, and actually play it for a bit, heh. Now that I'm hovering around 2 million credits, and see hours go by just buying/tuning/painting, I think the gallery is ready!