3rd Annual GTPlanet London 12 Hour

  • Thread starter AJ
Hopefully the Bathurst 6 Hour can be changed then as it clashes with the Australian Grand Prix.
your joking? gran prix's are nearly evry other week. if we avoid every F1 race then allot of the races will have to be moved. the daytona 24 oly happens once a year GPs happen 21 times a year.
Well, after 3 months out of GT, and only getting in the car for the first time on Thursday, I must say I'm quite happy with that stint. Only 3 mistakes in the 3 hours, ran wide through Paddock Hill and spun, but no damage, cost me 13s. Second incident was with Logicline, just an unfortunate coming together again at Paddock. 3rd Incident was up a druids, had an odd incident with a curb resulting in the car pitching sideways quite dramatically, in my efforts to correct it I ended up being collected by TNR, appologies if it caused major damage for you. Other than that, was a solid stint and return for me.
your joking? gran prix's are nearly evry other week. if we avoid every F1 race then allot of the races will have to be moved. the daytona 24 oly happens once a year GPs happen 21 times a year.
Yes and no. Being an event in Australia some of us might have been planning to go to the race and have to make a decision to race or travel to Melbourne. The B6hr will be a popular event amongst the Australian members of the series being a home race.

But I sure as hell can't see it changing as you said, 21 races this season, impossible to schedule it around that as opposed to the (far superior) one time a year events such as the D24, LM24 and N24. Like I've said before, I'll have to wait until next year to go!
Well, after 3 months out of GT, and only getting in the car for the first time on Thursday, I must say I'm quite happy with that stint. Only 3 mistakes in the 3 hours, ran wide through Paddock Hill and spun, but no damage, cost me 13s. Second incident was with Logicline, just an unfortunate coming together again at Paddock. 3rd Incident was up a druids, had an odd incident with a curb resulting in the car pitching sideways quite dramatically, in my efforts to correct it I ended up being collected by TNR, appologies if it caused major damage for you. Other than that, was a solid stint and return for me.
All good mate, scared the **** out of me when you came back into me lol.
We can not get in to the room looks like the network issues continúe for us, so We decide retire of the race, good luck everyone, we really hope that 1 day all the connection issues get solved. Is a shame lost the time in this way
We need to do a driver change before the 60 min deadline. Can we do it when returning to lobby

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