improve engine sounds

  • Thread starter Mercury7

This is what an E46 M3 CSL sounds like, not whatever they have for this in GT6.

And using the E92 M3's sound on the normal E46 M3 is just offensive. I have driven an E46 M3, and I know it doesn't sound like a V8. It actually sounds almost exactly like the one in the video.
We agree that the engine sounds are unrealistic, but it's even worse when exhaust Sample is installed, it makes a sound acceptable to a V8 sounds V6 or L4 or of a vacuum cleaner! While her with the same car, for example, a Corvette

I do not know about you but when I install an exhaust on a V8 Mustang V8 still sounds they

I see that there is a serious problem in auditory Polyphony, even the most miserable games current car is better on the point
I notice when you change rear muffler it' goes from sounding like a V8 to a small displacment 4cyl or vacum.
Anyone who thinks that they can improve GTs sounds can actually be recruited by PD. You gotta be a Sound/Recording engineer
I like how the Honda HSV-010 GT sounds, it actually sounds like the real one almost. I also like the sounds for the X1s.

The rest of the cars in the game sound like ****.
I like how the Honda HSV-010 GT sounds, it actually sounds like the real one almost. I also like the sounds for the X1s.

The rest of the cars in the game sound like ****.
Actually, a couple of cars dont sound bad. the LFA sounds pretty realistic, and the 288 GTO and the 365 GTB4 sound good. recently i have actually found myself wondering if PD did in fact improve the engine sounds for some cars after all... they are all still missing depth, but they sound okay.
Actually, a couple of cars dont sound bad. the LFA sounds pretty realistic, and the 288 GTO and the 365 GTB4 sound good. recently i have actually found myself wondering if PD did in fact improve the engine sounds for some cars after all... they are all still missing depth, but they sound okay.
But it's the sounds for the Honda HSV-001 and the X2011 that I like the most. I remember hearing revving of the X2011 in the Goodwood event...

Then there's the extremely unrealistic **** sounds like the Honda Life Step Wagon...
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To be honest I completely agree with all of the above mentioned things, but on the side note they have around about 500-800 cars to record to ( Not mentioning the duplicated cars like miata's, skyline's or others ) so it will take a lot of time and effort to the series. As to the article released on 14th of June 2013 regarding sound, it is said that they've gone trough a new way of "generating" engine sounds and they hope to release it in coming months. This is how they are trying to simulate sound I'm not a 100% sure that this will drastically change the whole sounding system but this could be a big change and overhaul to the sounding department. The chances are that this could be carried over to GT7, but this will also make a lot of fans dissapointed in GT6. I hope the team takes this issue in concern and really work on it, ( it was acceptable till GT4 ) but if this is carried over to GT7 then I will also start losing hope in this series. I know how limited the ps3's hardware is but there's no excuse into the sound department, people need to start realizing this ( for me this is still acceptable but for the next gen it won't be ).


They have had since at least 1997 to do it. Forza managed to do like 400 cars.
They have had since at least 1997 to do it. Forza managed to do like 400 cars.
I don't think Forza actually recorded 400 different cars (lets be honest I'm certain audio engineers in forza motorsports use some identical recordings to tweak them to their real life counterparts) that takes alot of time and effort seeing how audio engineering is not just "record and play" and also Kazunori mentioned that when GT4 came out they started recording sounds, you have heard of project cars right? If im not mistaken it took them almost 3 whole years for the game and that has about 100+ cars modeled accurately inside and out and with a remarkable sound method. The problem that should have been adressed is the lack of staff and "sound engineers" (hopefully now this could be adressed) PD should have known that 115 employees could not complete a game that has about 500-800 (again not counting the duplicates) to record from.
PD need to partner with the manufacturers on the car sounds - they have far better equipment and tons of data. All major manufacturers do extensive sound testing both for legislative reasons - such as the EU pass by regulations and also fine tuning of induction and exhaust systems for a pleasing note. They also have extensive data on the simulation of sounds as some cars (e.g. recent CVT ones) now include sound generators. Below Volvo being tested in a Vehicle Semi Anechoic Chamber (VSAC).


Below Range Rover being tested in a Pass By chamber for simulation of the EU pass by regulations test.
most cars can be saved with a tuned exhaust but this is a must either way.
Yes but do you think that Bugatti Veyron should have the sound of Shift 2? Is because that car sounds like a V8, just like the GT3 cars (Except the GT-R)
I'm not sure if any of you have seen the video about driveclub where it was stated that PD played a role in developing the graphics, but if I were PD I would borrow driveclub's sound data for gt7, and possibly gt6 where applicable. They ARE both sony only games so why not?
I'm not sure if any of you have seen the video about driveclub where it was stated that PD played a role in developing the graphics, but if I were PD I would borrow driveclub's sound data for gt7, and possibly gt6 where applicable. They ARE both sony only games so why not?

Post this video please?
I have played Driveclub on the Infogamer Reboot exhibition, and i had the opportunity to
look more for the game details then the driving itself.
Yes, the graphics are amazing! I have no doubt that when GT7 comes out, it will look like that or better.
But as for the driving, i screwed up the comparison because my first drive was the one of the fastest cars in the game.
Pagani Huayra.Because of this choice, i wasn't driving very well.
So from that, my conclusion was "Hmm...fells like NFS Pro Street."
Yup, it felt like NFS PS to me.But i did screw up the comparison, so i should be wrong.
As for the sounds, well, i almost cried.It is beautiful!
You know, I honestly don't care about the sounds. As long as I have a reference to what's going on, I'm not too worried. Yes, some sound like vacuum cleaners, but, honestly, that's real to real exhaust systems. The more open exhausts could be a bit better, but I'm not worried about that.

What I AM worried about is the ability to turn the blasted thing down! Some of the "improvements" make it difficult to enjoy ANYTHING because the sound is so painfully loud that I have to turn EVERYTHING down, and then I can't hear the tires or ANYTHING else!

So much for "improvements".......
You know, I honestly don't care about the sounds. As long as I have a reference to what's going on, I'm not too worried. Yes, some sound like vacuum cleaners, but, honestly, that's real to real exhaust systems. The more open exhausts could be a bit better, but I'm not worried about that.

What I AM worried about is the ability to turn the blasted thing down! Some of the "improvements" make it difficult to enjoy ANYTHING because the sound is so painfully loud that I have to turn EVERYTHING down, and then I can't hear the tires or ANYTHING else!

So much for "improvements".......
Well that's a new one.
I have played all the Gran Turismo games since the begining and I just got Driveclub in Oct. However, I wish Polyphony get GT7 to at least sound like Driveclub - quality wise. Below is a trailer I made using actual gameplay clips from Driveclub.
