Mission 18 - Sarthe II Nissan R92CP

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Brake early and don't accelerate halfway through the curve, wait till the car is straight and then slam the gas pedal(or x button) and be as fast as possible on the first lap so you can draft the panoz while on mulsanne
3 lap battles Mission 18 Sarthe II Nissan R92CP
I just cant let these writeups go astray, so I'll try to save as many of them as I can.

Courtesy of Daan and Famine

A little "success" story, if it helps to encourage anyone to stick with the missions...
While I was working on the 3 Lap Battle section, I knew I would need a good bit of practice if I wanted to pass Mission 18 at La Sarthe II. Though it is one of my favorite tracks, I just have not spent much time there trying to perfect my lap times. I took it a bit easy on my first attempt to avoid any accidents, so it was no surprise that I finished about 19 seconds behind first place. But once I started pushing harder, the penalties and visits to the gravel trap started to add up. It began to get better as I applied "slow in, fast out," and my dropping lap times reflected this. At one point I even made it into second place, finishing only 0.143 seconds behind the leader, and I surely would have won if I had cut across the final chicane. As my times and consistency began to improve, so did my nervousness, and the mistakes began to mount again. I was catching the Bentley earlier and earlier, for example,--first at the end of Lap 2, then near the Porsche curves, and finally on Indianapolis--but kept getting punted off or making silly mistakes. Finally, I put a fast and consistent enough run--the Panoz approaching Mulsanne on Lap 1, the CLK GTR approaching the final chicane on Lap 1, the Bentley on Indianapolis on Lap 2, the GT One coming out of Karting on Lap 2, and the Sauber coming out of Arnage on Lap 3--to win by over six seconds with a total time of around 9:08.
Then I went to S14 for kicks, to see whether I could apply my new experience to setting a fast lap at La Sarthe I in the Bentley. Previously, I had set a Bronze time of around 3:31 when I first got GT4, and though I was crusing around mostly, it was still a rather poor time. So I had a go and, boom, went nearly half a second fast than the Gold time, and I felt I could have gone at least another second quicker with a good run.
The point of all of this? Practice, practice, practice, no matter what. A little tenth here and there might not seem like much, and it is indeed only a blink of an eye, but the time adds up, and every place where you corner faster or accelerate earlier will give you a time advantage that adds up as well.

Here's my notes for Mission 18. Hope it helps
Watch the demo in license S-15 first!!

This is by far the hardest mission. I spent a good 3 hours before beating it. This mission is almost equivalent to getting silver (if not gold) in 3 straight tries in S-15, plus the complexity of overtaking at 200mph....
Your Nissan R92CP Race Car with 939HP is indeed overpowering the rest of the fields, but the 32+ seconds deficit is almost too much to overcome. The test venue is Circuit de la Sarthe II (the kinkless version). The course looks incredibly narrow when you are traveling at 180+ mph.
Refer to http://www.racingcircuits.net/France/LeMans87.html about the name of the corners.
Approaching the first chicane, brake much later than the downshift indicator. Find a line so that you can brake once into gear 2 and accelerate out of the chicane. For the esses, brake at the moment the red indicator flashes and take the left-right at no lower than gear 3.
If you can't reach the first checkpoint on the Mulsanne Straight within 30.3 seconds from the lead car, you will probably not be able to pass the 5th car before the end of the straight. If you can't pass it before the straight, it is very likely that you will lose too much time trying to battle it in the Mulsanne 90-degree right hander. If you can't get within 27 seconds when you hit the checkpoint just after the corner, it's probably time to restart.
The next section before Indianapolis is very narrow. Putting a tyre on the grass will throw you off spinning. I took the right bend before Indianapolis at gear 4 (instead of 5) and Indianapolis at gear 2. Brake early for Arnage and take it no lower than gear 2.

The next section is when the S-15 demo will really help. It consists of a series of light bends (Porsche Curve, Maison Blanche) which can be taken at relatively high speed, most of them at gear 4. If you are not familiar with the timing of the curve enough, it's very easy to get thrown off in the sand, or slow down too much.

The two Ford chicanes should be taken at gear 3 and gear 2 respectively. My split times at the finish line are: +23.299, +11.984 and -0.176. I barely took the lead car's inside at the last chicane (in fact, the right in the left-right chicane, no less) at the last lap. So these splits are probably the minimum requirement for beating this mission.
Caught up with the ... car at ...
5th: first lap, mid Mulsanne straight
4th: second lap, starting grid
3rd: second lap, straight after Arnage
2nd: third lap, before esses
1st: third lap, before finish, by a hair
1: After esses, before Tertre Rouge
2: Mulsanne Straight 1
3: Mulsanne Straight 2
4: right after Mulsanne 90-degree right hander
5: Arnage
6: Porsche Curve
7: finish line
Checkpoint Times:
1st lap: +31.632 +29.570 +27.812 +26.458 +25.866 +24.988 +23.299
2nd lap: +20.466 +18.270 +16.633 +15.243 +14.947 +13.213 +11.984
3rd lap: +9.847 +7.647 +6.042 +4.690 +3.948 +2.080 -0.176
My time: 9:11.867
AI time: 9:12.043
I cheated.. :yuck: It was too hard to overcome the time deficit.. What I did was to cut corners before the "Dunlop" by going to the sand at high speed (I made sure not to spin out) and at the final series of corners before the finish line.. In doing so I managed to catch up with the Sauber in the middle of the Mulsanne straight and finished with a 6 second advantage..
I couldn't cheat, I always spun so I decide to do it the right way (still cutting a bit before the finish line but not in the sand)
I also cheated. I spent hours trying to do it correctly, but I just couldn't seem to put 3 perfect laps together. I was too slow on the series of higher speed bends toward the end, but every time I tried to push on those curves I would go off the track. I just got sick of it. I did exactly what meister_dan did.
Easily the hardest mission for me... Beat M11 in one go, and got really close on M34 (but the damn 2 minute wait just irks me from trying again...). Since I'm using the d-pad (I just can not work out the sticks), the LMPs are nightmarish to control... I haven't even made 1 clean enough lap yet, and I've smashed one controller so far......

This is soooo much harder than anything on the previous GT's :\
You'll need to learn to use the analog stick I believe :) it's not very hard to get used to

I've tried for 4 years, no can do :nervous:

Dusting off my DF now and trying again later. Oh, how I loathe the LMP cars :indiff:
This was very easy for me. I was in the lead before the third lap even begun. I just wonder why everyone talks about the Mulsanne straight as it actually is the Hunaudieres straight. The Mulsanne is the shorter one just between the full-throttle right and the tight right-hander.
I think this is another one that's easier for us PAL people. I got ahead of the C9 on the whatever :D straight on lap 3, even though I had a great big spin on lap 2.
I heard that in the Asian versions, this mission is much much harder (like 10 seconds or something?). This is actually one of my favorite missions, because I love Le Mans, and I can usually get to the front by Mulsanne corner on the 3rd lap. You must be quick through the Porsche curves, so if you're having problems with this mission, practice this section over and over until you can do it quickly and cleanly. The turns in this section get slightly tighter and tighter (it's hard to tell from the circuit map) so be sure to adjust your speed accordingly.
haha I was working really hard on this mission until the guy up front CRASHED! hahah I got sooo lucky and finished like 10 secs in front.
and now im 100% complete yippy.
When i first tried i lost a few times. But luckly i beat the C9 on the straight because he had that glitch that happens on the Sarthe 24 hour endurance.
This race is easy!To win this race easily, you have to do the following: eat the first chicane, instead of braking, just go straight, and don't mind getting into the sand (you can get in the sand in this course, because it not as unmerciful as the sand of Motegi, don't worry you won't lose much speed), you will gain there 3 seconds. Then, there are two 80 degrees curves before the end, again just pass straight over there, eat those ****ing curves, and you will gain another 1.5 seconds.

I did that and won with an advantage of 6 seconds (despite the fact I made a mistake at the end)

Le Sarthe is a really tricky and narrow course, if you move your car just a bit, you get out of the road, crash, get in the sand, and lose a lot of time. The only way of winning is to cheat a little and eat as many curves as you can.
This race is easy!...The only way of winning is to cheat a little and eat as many curves as you can.

That would tend to mean that this race is, in fact, not easy, if the only way to win is by cheating. I'm not the GT4 Jesus, but I can beat this mission by 10 seconds without putting a single wheel off the track anywhere.
Happy ThanksGiving ! (those of us that celebrate this day)

This suckah 's been kik'n my hind end for months now. Closest I've come to catching the Sauber is just over 4 seconds. Can reach and hold 234mph (with a few spurts to 235) on the straight which helps me get past the Panoz (lap 1) well before the first 90 degree right hand corner. Usually catch and blow by the CLK in 4th gear right after the second 90 degree right hander. Then I don't see anyone til the chicane at laps end.
Lap 2,, I come up on the Bently just after the Start/Finish line and jockey for the pass - usually get around him at the first semi tight left hander. I get my first glance of the GT1 as he approaches the last curve just before the long straight. I usually catch him just before the gentle top speed right hand curve on the long straight and am well ahead of him after the hard right at the end of the straight. At this point,, I'm usually around 7 seconds behind the Sauber. Drive as hard as I can and finish a bit over 4 seconds behind. Yep,, in despiration I tried cutting the corners,, but that didn't help me. I think where I'm losing it is in the last 5 or 6 corners of the course. Now I'm experimenting with approaching and exiting them in higher gears - usually 4th and 5th to see if that helps. When I "finally" figure out how to get close to the Sauber - and I will !! I'll have to figure out how to execute the final chicane and hold the lead. I see some of you who have already mastered this mission usually win with a 6 second (or more!!) lead - so perhaps I'll not need to fret that portion of the track once I get around him. I did notice during the Special Conditions events that when I finally was able to get in front of the AI car,, they seemed to simply give up and it wasn't that difficult to remain in the lead. Maybe the Sauber will lay down and give up once I get past him,, eh ? :embarrassed:]
can someone post a vid? this mission is really pissing me off and i refuse to cheat!

Hey Ian, :)
Many of us know EXACTLY ! what you're talking about. This video (posted by AMG_SLK back on August 8) helped me alot:

Courtesy of Daan and Famine

It takes abit to download (I have DSL and it took about 3 to 4 mins) and it's kinda dark,, but watch the line (right tires as close as possible to the center line) and speed (234 to 236mph) on the long straight as well as the line and speed thru the corners,, especially the corners entering the long straight and at the end. A lot of time is lost :( ,, or gained :cheers: right there !!

I too felt like I was never gonna get around that Sauber ,:banghead: ,, but as of 12/11/05 when I click to Driving Missions - mission 18 says: "MISSION CLEAR" 👍 👍

Mission 34 however,, still has got me turned upside down :ouch:
Have no fear tho,,, it will one day read the same as the others and I'll have the Missions done.

Wish'n ya the Best of Luck 👍 and Hang in there pardner :cool: ,,, You'll "get 'er dun" fer sure ! :)
This video (posted by AMG_SLK back on August 8) helped me alot:
Courtesy of Daan and Famine

Thx QD1, but I only took all the relevant posts and links from a very very very long thread (>1500 posts in it) and copy pasted these in the new missions subforum as they contain a wealth of information. The Videos are from Daan and Famine. I only wish I could drive like that. (I suck at this game)

for what i'm reading it seems this mission in PAL version is much easier than in other versions.

I made it in my first try an it was my first run in a R92, by far the easiest of all, and I won by 10 seconds from sauber.

I must say it was a awsame couple of laps with no mistakes quite fast. the only thing i can say is:

Use Splipstream from the car u are overtaking as much as u can, cause gives u extra speed for some seconds and in such a big straight it's very important.
and at the final series of corners before the finish line.. In doing so I managed to catch up with the Sauber in the middle of the Mulsanne straight and finished with a 6 second advantage..

I cheated too, but I only cut across the sand at the final chicane, catching the Sauber about half to two thirds the way down Mulsanne.

I finished 10 seconds ahead. With a 5 sec penalty. First go. In auto, with the DS2. Too easy. :dopey:
the first chicane about 600 meters after starting line, you can just go straight, i do it everytime, you end up under the giant tire that goes over the road
I reckon this is the best Mission to run for an easy 10,000 credits. It's possible to catch the Merc by the Mulsanne on the third lap if your lap times smack of bravado.
Managed to beat this mission by about 12 seconds o-o...granted I cut corners...but I wouldn't call it cheating >-> A) the piggyback guide book actually encourages it and B) I'm only making use of the lack of barriers...lol
I think this is another one that's easier for us PAL people. I got ahead of the C9 on the whatever :D straight on lap 3, even though I had a great big spin on lap 2.

Hey, thanks for your vids bud...very helpful and heartening! Yeah, I saw that spin to win...wait are you Danny Sullivan (no that was the other famous track)

It is a tough mission, but now I've got to see how to match that speed you got going...thanks!
Hey, thanks for your vids bud...very helpful and heartening! Yeah, I saw that spin to win...wait are you Danny Sullivan (no that was the other famous track)
Just call me Daanny.... :dopey:

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