Red Rock Valley Speedway

  • Thread starter BlueShift
I don't remember it being that great, large parts of it just seemed like speeding through a concrete gorge (and then the inevitable Ridge Racer style tunnel). I wouldn't grumble if it came back, but I think it would need to get a "High Speed Ring Style" Makeover (as in, not just made again, but given a new look too).
Red Rock Valley is an original track featured in GT2 only, that was a beautifull and speedy track that most of old fans remembers.
That was a popular track, I never understood why Polyphony removed it from their games.

Great track, awesome high speed racing with some crafty corners, use to love slinging my Wiegert Vector W8 around this beast :)
.. a little map of the track from my old archive ...


and a video from YT

Hey if anyone misses it and wants to race it in HD I have re-created it in Modnation Racers. And not just the shape of it, But I made sure to copy the feel of the track's undulations and the scenery around it. It may be in a karting game but it's still a high speed hoot!

(I also made recreated Trail mountain in an arcade sort of way, still feels like it though)
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I still play GT2 for the track
I will never get rid of any gran turismo for as long as I live for that reason alone. The cars, the tracks, the "Oldschool things" It's all the same to me. Something that worked perfect for two or more people should never be deleted.
Wow i forgot about this track.. about to get my copy of GT2 out if i can find it. I really think we need a few tracks like th is back in the game because online racing is fun but we need stuff like this so people can have a break from all the intense racing that goes on. Right now daytona is the only option and its less interesting than watching paint dry. Also high speed ring SUCKS in GT6 cuz there isnt enough grip for the banked turns.
This is one of my favorites too. Watching that YT vid and listening to Garbage is very nostalgic for me.

Honestly, ALL the classic GT tracks and locations should return in GT7. I had a thread in the original Suggestions forum requesting that, and it had about 12 Likes on it.