The 'I didnt know that' Thread

  • Thread starter MUSC4EVER
What do you mean "original"?

The version you initially posted is the original. The Rollin’ Air Raid version is a remake of the same song on the same album.
It popped up today on my playlist and is called Urban Assault Vehicle, not Air Raid. My mistake. Better track than the original. Has DMX in it too.
Shakespeare invented the name "Jessica".

There is less time between Cleopatra and the invention of the Iphone, than there is between Cleopatra and the first pyramids.

A man can swim through the arteries of a whale.

You're more likely to get killed by a vending machine then a shark.

Armadillos almost always give birth to identical twins.

Sometimes it rains diamonds on Saturn and Jupiter.

Only 43% of cells in a human body are humanoid, the rest is funghi and bacteria.

There are more atoms in one glass of water, than there are glasses of water in all oceans.

France still executed people by guillotine when the first Star wars came out.
I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I just figured out that September, October, November and December relate to 7,8,9 and 10 respectively. Apparently there used to be 10 months in the year, but two were added by the Romans, July and August, named after Julius Caesar and Augustus respectively, pushing the 7th - 10th months to 9th - 12th.

You're more likely to get killed by a vending machine then a shark.
Wow, what a way to go!
I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I just figured out that September, October, November and December relate to 7,8,9 and 10 respectively. Apparently there used to be 10 months in the year, but two were added by the Romans, July and August, named after Julius Caesar and Augustus respectively, pushing the 7th - 10th months to 9th - 12th.
Don't forget Smarch!
I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I just figured out that September, October, November and December relate to 7,8,9 and 10 respectively. Apparently there used to be 10 months in the year, but two were added by the Romans, July and August, named after Julius Caesar and Augustus respectively, pushing the 7th - 10th months to 9th - 12th.

Wow, what a way to go!
I’d always wondered how the 7, 8, 9 and 10 name months ended up out of position.
Now I know.
At one time TV screens (there were no monitors yet, at least not for the general public) were measured horizontally. Then Marketing realized they could puff the numbers by measuring diagonally. So your 9" television magically became a 12" TV. But it gets worse. Those measurements were of the viewing area. Marketing started measuring to the outside corners of the picture tube. Now your 9"/12" TV became a 14" TV. But all with the same size picture tube.
I can't say I am surprised by this.
It popped up today on my playlist and is called Urban Assault Vehicle, not Air Raid. My mistake. Better track than the original. Has DMX in it too.
Was about to say, Air Raid was what I posted. :lol:

I listened to a portion of Urban Assault Vehicle and I personally didn't vibe with it. I guess because I grew up hearing Air Raid Vehicle and prefer the much heavier instrumentation of it. Besides, Limp Bizkit's vocals are just too slow in Urban Assault Vehicle in my opinion.
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Armadillos almost always give birth to identical twins.
I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I just figured out that September, October, November and December relate to 7,8,9 and 10 respectively. Apparently there used to be 10 months in the year, but two were added by the Romans, July and August, named after Julius Caesar and Augustus respectively, pushing the 7th - 10th months to 9th - 12th.

Wow, what a way to go!
So that means I'm directly connected to the Romans!
Forgive me for not being current or cool, but I always thought Dua Lipa was full British. Dua Lipa is British; but, she is also Albanian. I like her music, though.
Not a singer, but Anya Taylor-Joy is a similar case. Born in Florida, but spent time between there, Britain and Argentina growing up, so her regular speaking accent is a bizarre mix of all three.
Something I didn't know until today is Windows Media Player will save album art as hidden JPG files in the folder the songs originated from on your computer that can only be accessed when you have it set to show hidden files and protected operating system files. This has sort of been in front of my face for years now because I noticed some MP3s I have in a specific folder will display album covers they used to have when playing, even though they're no longer embedded in the files, but the moment I moved them outside of it, they disappear. However, it wasn't until now I finally realized why this was so and I am so glad I know this because now I can put them back into the files they belong in. :D

On a related note, something else I didn't realize is if a file labeled as "folder.jpg" is in a folder, WMP will display that image for whatever music is played in that folder. I realized this because I recently made a silly little album cover and when I needed to extract it later, it saved it as folder.jpg and apparently WMP made it invisible. I was later confused as to why it kept showing up every time I played a song and why I couldn't see the file anymore even though copying a file by the same name said one already existed. Now I know why! 💡
I'm watching Killers of the Flower Moon.
And apparently the entity they call god is Wa-Kon-Tah.

So i'm guessing the land of Wakanda is derived from that in the Black Panter movies.
I'm watching Killers of the Flower Moon.
And apparently the entity they call god is Wa-Kon-Tah.
I’ve had my eye on that all week.
Do tell if it’s worth the run time.
The electric-type Amazon Prime vans I've seen before are from Rivian. I haven't actively followed the electric car realm much, so I had no idea some of those Amazon vans are Rivians. I mostly know Rivian for trucks and SUVs.

[OMISSION] I also learned this Rivian van was made exclusively for Amazon, so this van won't be sold as a commercially-available van to consumers. It is the EDV- electric delivery van.
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It popped up today on my playlist and is called Urban Assault Vehicle, not Air Raid. My mistake. Better track than the original. Has DMX in it too.
We talked about this earlier, something odd I noticed is they feature the Air Raid version of the song in The Fast and The Furious, yet Urban Assault Vehicle is what's used in the movie's official soundtrack for some reason. :odd:
Language Warning. I included a time stamp to show where it is played.

Unless it is in there somewhere and I have forgotten all about it, but it's been a while since I watched the whole movie again. 🤷
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Two things...

1.) The exact day Martin Luther King Jr. day was established, I was born that day (January 15, 1983). As much as I celebrate my own birthday on January 15, I still share a birthday with the likes of Skrillex, Charo, Shane McMahon, Paul Gottlieb, Drew Brees, and most importantly- one of my heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

2.) I figured "podcast" had to have some origin from the Apple iPod. Turns out after a quick Google Search, I was right. "Podcast" is a combination of "iPod" and "broadcast" and was coined a term in 2004 by Ben Hammersley. I recently bought myself a podcast-style microphone, and I might test the waters of podcasting with it.
I know Barrow, Alaska, USA is the northernmost city in the United States and one of the northernmost cities in the world. What I didn't know, though, is that it is north of the Arctic Circle. Barrow earned a little fame when someone from Florida made a custom football field for the Barrow High School Whalers football team.

When I saw a Wikipedia entry on the Arctic Circle, I realized that about two-thirds of Greenland is also north of the Arctic Circle. Just about all of Iceland is just below the Arctic Circle.
I know Barrow, Alaska, USA is the northernmost city in the United States and one of the northernmost cities in the world.

Also, you pretty much have to fly there, although there's a seasonal main road which require a pilot vehicle (think of a pace car) arranged in advance. No impromptu road trips to Utqiagvik, as it's also known.

One thing I've heard is that Seasonal Affective Disorder is really high there due to the duration of wintertime darkness and the sheer isolation of the location. The all-day sunshine in the summer must also mess with sleep patterns over time.
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Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing, and Mavis Beacon is not real. I learned this last night as something I wondered about. Mavis Beacon has been helping people type better since 1987. I didn't learn to type from Mavis Beacon, though.
Two things I didn't know until recently...

(1) "Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island" uses the Super FX Chip. I do know the game had 3d-like effects like a rolling log, but I didn't think it used the Super FX chip.

(2) PAL files could be edited in a text editor. I could easily tend to edit these PAL files to use as palette files for GIMP. I just need to make a few changes to them to make that happen. I feel using these palette files can be great for better quality palettes used for textures and sprites in games that have an indexed palette. I tested out one palette using Notepad++ and made this discovery.
"He who shall not be named..." was something I thought was a way to avoid saying a certain name that may incite some mayhem or to avoid mentioning certain famous people. Being the non-current, non-cool person; "he who shall not be named" is a reference to Lord Voldemort in the Harry Potter series. The notion of "he who shall not be named" is that mentioning (a certain person) who has done wrong or capable of doing bad things will only make that entity stronger and more famous as his (in this case) name is mentioned. So to limit the potential fear and feeding a presumed evil being, saying something like "he/she/they/one who shall not be named" is apparently good for everyone in the long run.
Disemvowelment is the term for when lttrs are rmovd for modrn bizness names.